Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Somehow I feel as if I need to explain myself for creating this time dump. So I'll put it in writing. In short, the academic path that I have chosen is not one of emotional expression. I don't see this as a complete representation of my person, so I need practice! This is where I come. In addition, every once in a while I come up with some seemingly genuine thoughts; now what would the world be without those? Without documentation, ideas seem to evaporate much too easily.

So what will the rare visitor find here? I don't really know. Those who know me close seem to believe that I am someone whose passion flares in the most bizarre categories. So maybe this is just another fleeting interest of mine, or perhaps it's somewhere where I can come to document such things. I don't have much of a plan and I have this idea that the best mental activity comes from about three quarters intuition, the rest concrete thought. So I'll have to see where my intuition leads me.

On another note, many people believe that the world of Computer Science and Mathematics is one devoid of creativity. This is a common fallacy, as anyone who has a but a taste of the essence of these fields will know. However, emotional creativity is a different stat altogether. Compassion is a vital characteristic to me, and one that it seems all too many in my field lack. So how does one garner compassion? It comes through practice and meditation (spiritual ok, but mostly thoughtful). One must examine one's thoughts, and too make the most of this exercise, it helps to see them written out. So, here they are: I'll try to not hold back.